自由工作者哪裡辦公?Where should freelancers work? (Republishing April 2017 piece)

Photograph: decoist.com



第二、共同工作空間。英文我們稱為 co-working space,概念跟圖書館類似,各個自由工作者拿著筆電到共用的辦公室工作,通常座位自由,有些辦公室提供較高的辦公桌,坐得累了你亦可以站著工作。共同工作空間通常有會議室,自由業者或小公司需要開會、見客戶談生意亦是相當方便。共同工作空間在臺北、新加坡、吉隆坡和雪蘭莪也很流行。共同工作空間的優點在於自由業者可以相互認識,不同產業之間亦可跨界合作,而且月租費涵蓋水電費、冷氣和網路費用,你走進去就可以登記付款成為會員使用辦公室設施了。缺點就是共同工作空間難免有人講電話、閒聊,偶爾有雜音是必然的。





The first answer to the question is that freelancers usually work from home. And that is how most of us first started our freelance business. Working from home can be the best option, if your home is quiet enough for you to focus on your work. Otherwise, as time goes by, we might find ourselves in need of looking at other options.

Option number 1 – cafes. There are numerous cafes out there with stable WiFi. While having your cup of coffee or tea, you can also enjoy a snack or two to keep yourself energetic before lunch or dinner. Most cafes don’t actually limit the number of hours of you occupying their table, but the problem is you can’t work too long. The maximum I could go was 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at a cafe where I think going to the loo is safe enough and my laptop has very low risk of being stolen. And mind you, hopping from cafe to cafe from Mondays through Fridays is very tiring.

Option number 2 – co-working space. Workspaces are mushrooming everywhere. As freelancing culture thrives in Asian cities, workspaces are registering more and more members in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Workspace is an office space where freelancers work alongside each other, with expenses on utilities being taken care of by the service provider. 24/7 workspaces are quite popular in Hong Kong, and on the mainland as well. Workspaces elsewhere usually open to members from Mondays through Fridays during normal business hours. While it is good to network with fellow freelancers, sometimes it can get slightly noisy when many people are talking.

Option number 3 – have your own office. When your business is expanding and needs several colleagues to work together in the long run, this could be the option. This is the office space for you and your team members to fully focus on your work, but you have to take care of full rental and utilities. But the good news is, a glut of office and shoplot spaces has been pressing down rental prices in many cities. Try and look around.

As your business grows and needs to work with fellow professionals, sooner or later you would still want to look for a better working place, unless your house or apartment is spacious and comfortable enough to accommodate your co-workers.

Have a great week, mates.

Rental in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor is pressurised by a glut of office and shoplot spaces. Same goes for housing rental. Which is a chance for those who wish to set up business in Klang Valley. Some foreign companies set up here so that their staff members can fly to Bali every month. Talk to Invest Selangor – a state surrounding Kuala Lumpur – for more information.


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