馬宜中筆下的第一滴淚 (Republishing Oct 2017 Piece)


身為伍佰樂迷,第一個細讀的藝人故事當然就是他。馬宜中細數以前幫伍佰拍〈煞到你〉、〈返去故鄉〉的故事,我才發現原來伍佰真的在乎要保護家人的隱私。話說馬宜中與攝影團隊跟著伍佰 and China Blue 在嘉義走透透拍MTV,好像是伍佰老家附近的樣子,然後有個記者死纏爛打就是要拍照又怎樣的,原本答應拍照之後不會公開,結果還是在那記者服務的報紙上登了出來。 Continue reading “馬宜中筆下的第一滴淚 (Republishing Oct 2017 Piece)”

亞洲第一批輝瑞疫苗 First Pfizer vaccines in Asia

Singapore was the first country to have received Pfizer vaccines. This is a good news for the island nation, and the influence of the positive development is going to spill over to other parts of Asia, as the transport minister Ong Ye Kung said he was confident that Singapore could become the centre to distribute the vaccines.

This is no easy feast. Other than Singapore Airlines Cargo’s effort to rehearse the process of transporting the vaccines from Belgium to Singapore just one week earlier, it also takes herculean efforts from DHL, UPS, FedEx as well as SATS Coolport to make this possible. SATS facilities are able to produce four tonnes of dry ice each day to facilitate the transportation of Pfizer vaccines which require -70 degree Celsius storage. Continue reading “亞洲第一批輝瑞疫苗 First Pfizer vaccines in Asia”

細讀《半島》之穿梭時空 Travelling through time with Peninsula (Republishing August 2017 piece)

Two months ago, many content creators would wring their wrists when they learned about the death of writer Rehman Rashid. Radio hosts of BFM 89.9 were always talking about him in recent programmes and they respected him a lot. They were of the opinion that it was great loss of Malaysian writing scene.

I went to look for his old books at Gerakbudaya and only managed to find Peninsula. The other title, A Malaysian Journey, which was more famous, was said to have been out of print. I wonder if his previous publisher would like to republish for him.

Rehman Rashid’s writing was no ordinary English writing. He did not elaborate in a simple and straightforward way. Contrarily, he was always cutting into the topics from sideline while adding a lot of background knowledge into his stories.

Some details of the years of Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Abdullah and Najib were cited in his stories while he led the readers to travel through time. And his writing left no traces of time. Given such an outstanding feature, other Malaysian writers might find it difficult to fill his big shoes. Continue reading “細讀《半島》之穿梭時空 Travelling through time with Peninsula (Republishing August 2017 piece)”

伍佰的跑車人生2 Drive around Taiwan with Wubai 2


這一集的主題是初心與原點。江振誠介紹他最愛的石牌早餐店,伍佰則是介紹臺北市信義區一個果汁攤,因為當初他在臺北未拚出頭的日子裡,他最喜歡去那個攤位請老闆給他榨一杯葡萄汁。根據伍佰和江振誠的說法,老闆的葡萄汁有一種倒鉤的感覺。收看的時候大家還真的必須耐得住飢渴,因為看起來真的很好喝。 Continue reading “伍佰的跑車人生2 Drive around Taiwan with Wubai 2”

舊片重溫:《西謊極落》之苦中作樂 Self-deceiving as if you had a bigger room

This film titled The Sinking City: Capsule Odyssey screened in 2017 revealed the acute housing problem in Hong Kong. The actors and actresses were ridiculing in a wacky and lunatic manner to present this theme.

Pakho Chau in the movie was an editor writing online articles to introduce apartment units on behalf of real estate companies. Despite his great writing skills to promote buying properties for investment and speculation, in real life he was only a young man who was priced out of the property market. Upon graduation, he failed to move up the corporate ladder and was encumbered by study loans. Shiga Lin played his girlfriend in the movie. They rented a flat for HK$10,000 a month. Later on, he lied to his girlfriend that he had to work in New York for a year or two before returning to the Cantonese-speaking city. Continue reading “舊片重溫:《西謊極落》之苦中作樂 Self-deceiving as if you had a bigger room”

布萊克本流浪者與大馬經濟 Blackburn Rovers and Malaysian Economy


更加不堪的是,球隊降級至英格蘭冠軍聯賽,之後回升英超,近年再從英冠降至英甲。這個曾經輝煌的球隊已經與諾丁漢森林隊、保頓流浪隊齊名,因為大家都曾經贏得重要賽事的冠軍盃,但是近年來一直無力重返英超。 Continue reading “布萊克本流浪者與大馬經濟 Blackburn Rovers and Malaysian Economy”

伍佰的跑車人生 (1) Drive around Taiwan with Wubai (1)

I watched a Porsche programme on YouTube last week. Surprisingly, the German car manufacturer invited Taiwanese rock star Wubai as the host to drive around Taipei with Chang Chen. Their task of the day was to take photographs with the theme of conflicts and contradictions.

Ren’ai Road of Taipei City has lines of coconut trees. This was what I learned from this episode. In the past, I used to think that in Taiwan we can see coconut trees only in my university NTNU, or other universities including NTU. Continue reading “伍佰的跑車人生 (1) Drive around Taiwan with Wubai (1)”

新加坡金融科技祭 Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF)

今年的新加坡金融科技祭從127日至11日舉行,形式是現場與線上結合的混合模式。由於今年國際旅遊大受限制,各方有志於瞭解金融科技(Financial Technology, FinTech)發展的朋友可以在線上追蹤連續五天的活動,而且票價祇需要星幣75元、加上服務稅合共80.25元(新台幣1695元)。 Continue reading “新加坡金融科技祭 Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF)”

關於零碳排放的疑惑 Some doubts about zero emissions

Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand, declared a climate emergency for the government and the public sector to achieve carbon-neutral by 2025. She said the 2025 goal will be set as the standard for the country to reach zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. This is a commendable mission that can set as an exemplar for the rest of the world. Continue reading “關於零碳排放的疑惑 Some doubts about zero emissions”

足球魔術師之殞落 The end of the football magician


The news of the death of Diego Maradona sent shock waves across the world. Many fans, footballers and football managers mourn the loss of a football legend. During the top of his form he was all powerful on the pitch: he was the magician dribbling the ball past defenders who were struggling to keep pace with him. He was standing at the top of the world when he led Argentina to win 1986 World Cup. He is the legendary footballer who won world’s recognition. Continue reading “足球魔術師之殞落 The end of the football magician”