新加坡金融科技祭 Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF)

今年的新加坡金融科技祭從127日至11日舉行,形式是現場與線上結合的混合模式。由於今年國際旅遊大受限制,各方有志於瞭解金融科技(Financial Technology, FinTech)發展的朋友可以在線上追蹤連續五天的活動,而且票價祇需要星幣75元、加上服務稅合共80.25元(新台幣1695元)。



2020 Singapore FinTech Festival will be held from December 7 to 11, Monday to Friday, in a hybrid format of live venue and online model. Due a much restricted international travel this year, friends who are keen to follow the development of Financial Technology (FinTech) development can follow the five-day programme online. The ticket price is only S$75 with a GST charge of $5.25. Which makes the total S$80.25 (NT$1,695).

I have registered and I can follow the contents of the speakers later. As a copywriter cum translator, I have to keep pace with the latest development in the world. FinTech is a field which offers a lot of opportunities for learning, including finance and regulations, blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Be quick to register, if you want to learn more in the setting of your home or office:

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