《我,作詞家》:搖筆桿路上的精神支柱 Me, a Lyricist: The source of mental strength of a writer


平日除了翻譯、寫文案,師大畢業後的這些年以來,我也經歷過生活中的高低起伏跌宕,覺得自己需要振作的時候,除了好好游泳、聽音樂,就是靠讀書走出低檔時期。閱讀給我重新出發的力量,尤其是閱讀同為寫作人的書,例如陳樂融老師編寫的《我,作詞家》。 Continue reading “《我,作詞家》:搖筆桿路上的精神支柱 Me, a Lyricist: The source of mental strength of a writer”

The rhythm that gets me playing at wee hours 大半夜忍不住想彈的bassline



Continue reading “The rhythm that gets me playing at wee hours 大半夜忍不住想彈的bassline”

Mr Ngai Hong: What I learned about craftsmanship 倪匡:我學到的匠人精神

When I heard of the news of the passing of Mr Ngai Hong (aka Ni Kuang), the first thought ran through my mind was that he had wished for a painless death. I wasn’t sure if he left the humanly world in his slumber. Having watched these two episodes of Whirling Clouds Valley hosted by Chip Tsao and Alex Pao, only did I learn that Mr Ngai gave up his cancer treatment in 2019, and that he was troubled by leg pain in the past few years.

Firstly, I should make it clear that I wasn’t a super fan of Mr Ngai Hong’s works. And rarely did I read his works repeatedly. Imagination is always what I admire about his sci-fi fictions. Imagination is also my pastime. And in recent years I am increasingly convinced that the events of extraterrestials visiting planet Earth will be exposed. Questions as to whether some civilisations existed before ours, whether a good number of intelligent civilisations exists ‘out there’—I believe will be answered, it is just that whether or not humankind is willing to accept and recognise what actually happened. Continue reading “Mr Ngai Hong: What I learned about craftsmanship 倪匡:我學到的匠人精神”